Stalk Us

Jose Maria Trejos: AKA, Hose Treehouse. The pastiest Latin American that you will ever meet, due to that fact that he is afraid of the sun. A semi-closeted romantic, Jose has had two girlfriends since I met him and has constant internet nerds crooning over him. Unlike anyone that I know, he prefers Carcheri and Physics over PE, probably because he is literally failing (I find this humorous). He is overly ecstatic that on May 21, his birthday, he will finally get a new computer. His very much loves his siblings, Papo and Pebu, and he wishes he was as smart and cute as them. Jose aspires to be, and will become, a top notch economist. As a word of advice, never doubt his opinions or go against him unless you want to walk away feeling stupid as a pole.

Thomas Guthrie: A white assed Canadian that claims to be either a) Chilean or b) a black Nigerian that turned white after a bad bought of frost bite. Baby Thomas is only 15 and will continue to be until November 17. His baby status seems to be the only excuse I can come up with for his immaturity. Hockey may as well be his middle name, although its Gary. Thomas has a Sarah, James, Mum, Stevie-Boo and Tica-Loo at his house. He currently has no life direction except to ski everyday which, as we have told him, will ruin his knees and not help his already shitty ankles.

Samantha Ward
: I was born in Arizona, left that desert as soon as I could, moved to the tiny weeny town of Sudbury, MA and was unintentionally saved when I was relocated to Costa Rica. Leaving this place in two months will be the hardest thing I have ever had to do ;( Furry things are my favorite and I intend to save them all from the evil two-legged. I’m pretty good at school although I complain like hell. Truth be told, my ankles are even shittier than Thomas’s and that has pretty much prevented me from doing everything ever. But I have to say, I have done some pretty great things in my life ❤

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